Where you'd like to be in 10 years

by - 14:26

Can I just start by saying that I'd absolutely love to fast forward to ten years from now. It's incredibly silly for me to want this, but at this moment in time, I'd really just love to have uni over and meeting the right guy sorted and all the hard bits all figured out. It's all very daunting at the moment. I'm a huge planner. I'm always thinking ahead and trying to figure things out before they happened. But I'm more of a short term planner. I'll plan every movemnt for a weekend to my hearts content, but I don't like looking too far in to the future. From everything I''ve lived through the last year or so, I've learned that I'm not the only person on control of the future. Making long term plans that invole other people is dangerous for the heart. If you'd asked me what my 10 year plan was 4 months ago, I'd be grinning ear to ear with thoughts of a certain someone and all the things I wanted with him.

Those plans won't be a reality now. Certainly not with him anyhoo!

Right, so there are two different futures I see for myself now. I'll tell you about them both.

Scenario one.
I got my degree and settled in to a nice little teaching job. Ten years from now, I'd like to be teaching little ones. Definitely primary school. I'd love to be able to inspire kids to have a passion for words and writing and encourage kiddies to enjoy reading. I'll possibly have a little one of my own. Hopefully a lovely husband who loves walks in the park and shares the same dreams as me. I want to be starting to settle down. I wanna be the cool mum who reads to her kids every night and takes them to the zoo at weekends and plans super rad parties for them.

Scenario two.
I got my degree and go in to publishing. I'd probably have to put kiddies on hold for a while while I settle in to a more promotion-based job. I'll be living in a suave little apartment with brickwork walls and big open spaces and I'll be in some cool city like Chicago or Milan.

Sorry this is a short one today. I'm having so problems dealing with some emotions and this is all I can muster on the subject I'm afraid.

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