Special Thanks


There aren't enough words for me to describe how much this boy means to me. Ryan and I have been through so much together. I think I have felt every possible emotion towards this man in the time we've know each other. This man is my soulmate in every sense of the word.
I spent some of the toughest years of my life with Ryan by my side (both physically and metaphorically) and we always pick each other up when we're down.
I think Ryan and I have gon through some very similar periods in our life and I like to think that, because we had each other, we both turned out to be some pretty amazing people!
I can't wait for him and I to grow old together.
Ryan, I want to thank you for being my number one fan, my first love, my shoulder to cry on, my agony aunt and most importantly my best friend. I love you.


Ellen was the first friend I made at university. Generally, it takes me a while to feel comfortable around someone but with Ellen, we were snuggled up in bed together after about three days. 
This girl is one of the most talented, intelligent, beautiful women I have ever met. I've never met someone who can belt out a tune so beautifully when I am wailing like strangled cat in the background. This girl can hold a note!
I can't even imagine how difficult I am to live with but Ellen makes it seem as though she actually enjoys my company. She's always there when I need her, she has a sixth sense when it comes to my emotions and never says no when I need a cuddle.
She's one of the very few people that I actually want to be around when I am sad and, for that Ellen, I want to say thank you. I love you.


Chris is, without a joke, one of my idols. Putting his incredible aesthetic and personality to one side for a moment, I want to first admire this man's constitution. Chris is a strong-minded, headstrong man who is never afraid to stand up for his beliefs, regardless of his opposition and I respect him endlessly for it. Chris has taught me so much in the short time I've know him. Being around him has strengthened my character and forced me to reconsider my attitude towards so many things I had been complacent about.
Chris has a huge heart. He is always putting love in to the world with his actions and his words. I love this boy and I hope that I can learn so much more from him in the future because he is such an inspiration to me.
Chris, I want to thank you for being yourself and helping me be myself. Thank you. I love you.


Alex and I have been through a hell of a lot. Of all my friends, Alex is the one I feel the most similar to. Don't get me wrong, we've had our ups and downs and I never thought I'd be where I am with him. 
I have a connection with Alex that I don't have with anyone else. It's like a weird twin bond. We have each other's back no matter what's going on and I know we will support each other through anything. Sometimes you just need that one friend who makes you forget everything that's going on in your life and whisk you away from it all for a bit and Alex is that for me.
He's been a great shoulder to cry on. He's the worm hug when I need to be held. He's everything you could ask for in a best friend and so much more.
I couldn't as for a better friend than you, Alex. Thank you for all the forgiveness you've shown me. Thank you for always knowing what's wrong and thank you for being you. I love you.


There aren't many people in this world that I respect more than this man. I am by no means saying that Tim is perfect. Nobody is. But what I do know is that Tim is one of the most resilient, strong and brave people I know.
So many of the people that I care about struggle through life throwing blame on others for things but Tim takes on the burden of a thousand men. This man is not only handsome, funny, smart (the list could go on), but he has a heart of pure gold. 
He has helped me through some really hard times over the last year and is always there to give me his (sometimes tough) opinion on things. 
For every drunken night that we have had together, and for putting up with me just as much as I've put up with you, Tim, I would like to say thank you. I love you.

(there are, of course, lots of other people I want to thank. I hope to keep adding to this list as I meet new people!)
