Where I am now

by - 04:14

So I've been a little bit off the radar at the moment. I had to take some me-time to sort out a lot of things that were troubling me and that meant withdrawing myself from socialising, from family and from being present online.

Things are looking up. Well, if I'm honest, everything is a complete shambles and my life is more of a mess now than it may have ever been before.. but I'm dealing with things better. Much better. There's way less crying, there's way less sleeping to avoid thought and I'm absolutely ready to get back out there and start freaking LIVING again (which I'm very excited about).

I don't have a whole lot of time at the moment to do lots of explaining so I'm just gonna give you guys a wee rund down of stuff I've got going on and then let you know what the plan is for the next month or so.

What's keeping me busy:
1. Got myself a new job working at another doctor's surgery. It's a huuuuuge surgery with lots of patients and lots of responsibility and it's definitely keeping me on my toes.

2. I'm knitting myself a patchwork blanket. Like a proper big one with tonnes of different colours and I'm rubbish at knitting but I don't care bacasue it soothes me and keeps my hands busy.

3. I think I'm maybe ready to start the whole dating malarky again but I'm not completely sure. More though is needed (but more on that tomorrow)

4. I'm reading again! I shot through The Perks of Being a Wallflower last week and I'm reading one of the books that was on my list of books to read last year I never quite got through. I may start putting up some reviews again.

5. I've moved through to Glasgow and I give up the flat in Edinburgh at the end of the month so I should be fairly occupied sorting that stuff out!

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