The Unnatural

by - 14:59

So there's this guy in New York who created an art project called "The Tree of 40 Fruit". Instead of explaining what it his he does, I'll just pause here for a sec while you watch the video...

I have extremely mixed feelings and also sooooooo many questions about this. I'm just going to bullet point this out because lists are nice and they make me happy.

  1. I think it's great that, in such an advanced society, we are still able to find new ways to be creative. I know how difficult it can be to come up with original, creative ideas that haven't been done a thousand times before. Hell, I'm writing a blog in 2015, doesn't get much more original than that! "This world is but a canvas to our imagination"- Henry David Thoreau and this guy has literally used nature to create the most original art project ever. 
  2. It's kinda like playing God. This guy is literally moulding a new life form without any real purpose other than his own personal pleasure. If you were the kind of person to take offence at topic such as abortion and such, I can see this being a subject not to your liking. I'm not a particularly religious person so I don't have any moral opposition to this but I can see it causing a lot of controversy around this whole subject.
  3. This could be seriously useful! Have you heard about that tree that has sap that can cure cancer? I'm not sure if that's a legit thing, but if it is, this could be a way of mass producing medicinal ingredients as well as tailoring plants to allow endangered species a greater possibility of repopulation. However, I don't know how far this theory could go. I don't even want to imagine if they tried this with animals. The only thing that is now in my head is that mouse they grew the human ear onto.

Gross, huh?

Okay finally, I'd just like to point out how FRICKING GORGEOUS this tree looks when it's blossoming. Like holy shit that's the kind of thing my indie friends would have in their Instagram. 

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