Be Grateful
I'm not in the greatest mood this evening so I'd just like to take this opportunity to cheer myself up.
I have some truly incredible people in my life and it's wasn't until recently that I truly began to appreciate them. For reasons I'd rather not discuss, I was forced to make a decision recently as to how I felt about a specific group of people. Girls that I thought I was friends with, showed their true colours to me, and I realised I had been neglecting those people I was closest to in an attempt to gain popularity. All my life I have said that I never want to be a "popular". However, I have found myself in this situation more than once. I don't know whether to blame myself or basic human instinct, I always attempt to be accepted by the most dominant members of society.
Back to my point, when in need, I knew exactly who to call and of course, they were there by the end of the phone like you would expect your real friend to be. These people showed me that I don't need to be popular to have friends, I just need to be myself. Yes, I realize that this must sound like something straight out of a self help book, but I truly believe that friend are the best remedy for a broken soul. God, reading that back, I realise how pretentious it sounds but I'd like you to just stick with me for a while longer.
Life seems to be dealing me just a stack of seriously bad cards recently and everytime another disaster unfolded and I didn't know if I could take any more, I always went to the same people. Granted, some of them live half-way across the globe, they always seemed to pull through and help me when I needed them the most. Only today, I was having serious problems living with my family. Just like every other teenager on the globe, I hated my parents, didn't want to live with them and was ready to turn my back on my family to do what I wanted. However, my friends talked me off the edge, forcing me to realise how selfish I was being without losing their tempers and offering me a place to go whenever I needed.
I realise now that without the friends I have, I wouldn't survive in this world. In the most non-cliché way possible, I'd like to thank each and every one of you, individually for being there for me when I needed you most. It must be difficult looking after me and I just hope that, when the day comes that you need someone to be there, not only will you come to me, but I will be competent enough to help you through anything and everything you need me for.
Thank you