
by - 20:53

Before I begin, I want to clarify that I am talking about sadness, not depression. These are two completely different conditions and I can't pretend to even begin to understand the latter. I respect those who suffer from depression, however, the opinions I express here are not concerning that matter.

Sadness is portrayed so negatively. I know what you're thinking- of course it's negative, Carrie, it's sad. I'm afraid to tell you, my inner critic, that you are wrong. Sadness is healthy and beautiful. Some of the saddest people I know are the ones with the most beautiful souls.

It takes a lot to embrace sadness. Some people suppress it or transform it into anger or kindness but it's just like those pictures you see of dog's bones wrapped up in wrapping paper. Everyone knows what it really is. The only person you're convincing is yourself. Even then, give it a second glance and it's just a bone and some paper held together with flimsy tape. It takes incredible strength to let yourself be sad and I love it.

My solution? By no means do I think this is the perfect way or even the best way for you personally. However, this is how I deal with sadness. Every once in a while, I just won't be happy. Someone will notice that I'm not smiling or making conversation and that's when I make my excuses and go away to be alone. I find it easier to be sad when there aren't people around me trying to make me un-sad. So, I'll put on some mopey breakup songs or twinkly piano music or even some acoustic hipster music, lay in bed and just be. If I gotta cry, I cry. If there's something that's really bothering me, I have supportive friends who can help me and I let it all out. They give me their advice. Most of the time I seem to ignore it until I'm not sad any more but hey, at least I know they want what's best for me. My favourite people are the ones who repetitively kick my ass. I'll go moaning to them about the stupidest little thing and they'll set me right back into shape. I might not appreciate them at the time, when I go off sulking, but when I've calmed down a little, their advice is what keeps me going.

After all those mixed metaphors, I'll leave you with a thought. In 7th grade, my English teacher told me something that was so profound, I almost saw the explosions happening inside my head. Here it is. There are two sides to every coin. One cannot know true happiness until they have experience the deepest of sadness. If you've never been sad, how do you know that your 'happy' isn't just meh?

I'm so grateful for all the amazing people in my life. Without them, I couldn't have achieved everything I have. Thank you.

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